ICMA Visual Art Exhibits
The Indian heritage has a long and deep history of developed art forms including painting, sculpture, metal work, sketching, and other media. ICMA supports creative expression not only through music but through visual arts. After discussing the challenges with the artists of securing space in galleries, and then audience to the exhibits our founder, Mahesh Kale thought"If we cannot bring people to the art, we will bring the art to the people". Since all the concerts are sold out, the visual artists get a lot of eyeballs. By carefully curating the artwork according to the theme of the concert, the experience begins right when you enter the lobby. The galleries feature a variety of art media and techniques reflecting the diverse and broad artistic talent of the Bay Area.
ICMA is constantly expanding the ICMA Art Circle and would like to offer the gallery platform to new artists with interesting perspectives on themes. If you are an artist or photographer interested in becoming part of the ICMA Art Circle, please contact [email protected].